
Pattanawit School You are welcome to visit our school website.

The school is located at 114 Moo. 5 Soi Nonthaburi 46, Tha Sai Subdistrict, Muang District, Nonthaburi Province It is offered from pre-kindergarten to 6th grade under the Education Management Curriculum provided by the Ministry of Education.

Guidelines for primary school education, focus on age-appropriate development in physical, emotional, social and intellectual aspects in order for children to learn, use direct experience, emphasize life skills since children aged 3-6 years are growing age, need life skills training, environmental arrangement according to the current situation, that will support employees, modern teaching and learning materials to develop children 3-6 years old to grow up to be suitable for the age.

Approaches to primary education management The 2008 Core Curriculum focuses on improving the quality of learners to be good people. Have wisdom, good quality of life, competitiveness, especially to increase the potential of learners. Able to live happily on the basis of Thainess. Therefore, to ensure that the teaching and learning of Pattanawit School is in accordance with the national education management policy. In addition, there are activities to develop learners through various activities and teach additional courses such as Chinese, computers, international music, math, swimming, academic supplementary instruction, clubs, etc. Build a foundation of thought, humanity and working creatively and happily.

Pattanawit School is accepting applications for students in the academic year 2024.


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